Lowongan kerja di Bank Bank dunia

Welcome to the World Bank Job Opportunities Section
The best people produce the best outputs. That's why we are constantly on the lookout for bright, ambitious team players who have a strong commitment to improving society, the environment, even themselves. We strive to hire and retain the best talent in the industry from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Communication, creative problem solving and decision-making skills, planning and organization, and technical expertise are common characteristics of the World Bank associate. Flexibility in assuming varied work assignments is also important, especially in achieving long-term career growth at the organization.
Based in Jakarta
  1. Senior Procurement Specialist - Deadline: May 5, 2011
  2. Social Development Specialist - Deadline: May 17, 2011
  3. Operations Analyst (Green PNPM) - Deadline: May 17, 2011
  4. Operations Analyst (Monitoring & Evaluation) - Deadline: May 17, 2011
  5. Monitoring & Evaluation (Qualitative Design) - Deadline: May 17, 2011
  6. Monitoring & Evaluation (Quantitative Design) - Deadline: May 17, 2011
Vacancies in IFC Jakarta
  1. Senior Operations Officer - Access to Finance - Deadline: May 8, 2011
  2. Legar Advisor - Deadline: May 22, 2011
Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses. Late submissions will not be considered; incoming applications through e-mail and phone inquiries will not be accepted unless stated otherwise.

Bila Anda belum menemukan bahan yang Anda cari tentang pekerjaan Bank Dunia di Indonesia, silahkan hubungi:
sKantor Bank Dunia IndonesiaGedung Bursa Efek Jakarta, Menara 2, lantai 12 & 13
Tel: +(62-21) 5299-3000
Fax: +(62-21) 5299-3111

Bagian Komunikasi Bank Dunia JakartaGedung Bursa Efek Jakarta, Menara 2, Lantai 12
Randy SalimTel: +(62-21) 5299-3259